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Hehe I haven't tried working for them and based on what I've read here I continue to only login to Blue :-)
I don't know what is hard about working for them. Everything I have ever done has been easy.

They are cheap though. Their idea of a HUGE bonus is $2.00
I'll have to agree with Shelly. Easy, but very low pay, too low for a lot of stuff.
The way I see it, I need to be making money, so if the pay doesn't justify the travel/gas money, etc., it's not really worth it. I have only done a few things for them so far, and do them primarily for the "experience" more than anything... I can list that experience with other, higher paying companies.
I've had no problem with them so far. I choose what appeals to me and what fits into my route. They have quite a bit very close to home for me that's quick and easy. I do lots of trailer checks for them since there are 4 multiplexes nearby and the reports are so fast.
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