I work for ShopnCheck quite a bit, and they are sticklers. They are one of the founders of Better Business Bureau On Line. They are not interested in amateur shoppers, but they treat you superbly if you are a professional. My first shop with them was refused by the client, when I had followed instructions and things had still gone wrong. The scheduler said I had done everything right, and I was paid.
I wish I could tell you, Donna, what went wrong. I can tell you that they have this little menu called Shop Management, and they absolutely insist you go through the stages. They also insist that you respond to them if they call, or write to you. If you don't, you are gone.
I think this site was written by engineers, because the choices on the menu are anything but intuitive. If you want to see your shops, for example, you click "get Paperwork." They expect you to follow your receipt from stage to stage, and if it comes up rejected, to fix it, without having to have them tell you to. They treat you like an adult: they will let you reschedule your own shops, should something in your life interfere, but if it conflicts with their contract, they expect you to live up to your original agreement.
You MUST print a contract with every shop, and enter it, then scan your evidence, then check to see if it is scanned.
If you have crossed any of the lines I have just given you, you have no chance. If you haven't, write a letter, honest about what you know you did, and what you might not have done.
They have the shortest questionaires I know, and they always make perfect sense. I consider them one of the highest payers, because you never waste time, you get in, do the job and get out. At salary per hour, they are one of the best, for their shops rarely take more than an hour, shop and form total. And they do pay both bonuses and gas, when they get desperate. (Don't tell them I told you that.)
If you like, personal mail me, and I will talk to my scheduler about you. He has always been more than fair with me.
Wannabe scheduler/editor