Why the companies do not pay enough for allocations

The companies do not pay enough for the work are unaware of how much is our expenditure in that allocation. The pay does not cover this expenditure.

When they do the assignment with the pay of this work, the person making it has no idea of the place of the assignment or do not know the country or place.

Do not know Puerto Rico is part of the USA, They do not know the distances in Puerto Rico or the cost of gasoline

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This is often the case. Many shoppers get around the problem by setting up routes of shops. Yesterday, for example, I did 4 shops on a route and my mileage total was 49.2 miles. It would not have been economical to do only one of those shops and in fact it was only marginally feasible to do the 4 of them as the total fee was pretty sad, but the reimbursement amounts were for useful items I would have needed to purchase anyway, so it made sense. Part of the 'art' of mystery shopping is to organize and accept work that is economically feasible.
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