Companies that Pay Peanuts (low pay)

Please copy and paste, the name only when adding new company names. Just the names, NO NARRATIVE please:

I will start

2. MarketForce

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If CoRI is paying you peanuts, it's because you're not waiting for shops to bonus up.

You are really new. MFI and TS are not going to give you access to better paying shops. I personally have done $15-25 shops for each company within 6 months of signing up. $7-10 is about all you will see to start with, depending on location.

The longer you shop, the more shops you will see. Patience, grasshopper.
2. MarketForce
3. TrendSource

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2011 03:05AM by anakin.
You know it! CoRI and MF are some of the "meat and potatoes" of my shopping. Out in the sticks, there is always a bonus.

3offthecharts Wrote:
> If CoRI is paying you peanuts, it's because you're
> not waiting for shops to bonus up.
> You are really new. MFI and TS are not going to
> give you access to better paying shops. I
> personally have done $15-25 shops for each company
> within 6 months of signing up. $7-10 is about all
> you will see to start with, depending on location.
> The longer you shop, the more shops you will see.
> Patience, grasshopper.
2. MarketForce
3. TrendSource
6. satisfaction services
7. Intellishop

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
2. MarketForce
3. TrendSource
6. satisfaction services
7. Intellishop
8. BestMark
9. HDE (they just don't pay for a long time)
That's not a bad list. I made $165.01 yesterday shopping that list, with one $12.50 shop for a company not listed. I'll take it. Pour those peanuts all over me. These being the bad guys, I'm wanting to see the good guys list.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
MDavisnowell Wrote:
> That's not a bad list. I made $165.01 yesterday
> shopping that list, with one $12.50 shop for a
> company not listed. I'll take it. Pour those
> peanuts all over me. These being the bad guys,
> I'm wanting to see the good guys list.

NO kidding, lol..............I made $50 yesterday in about 2.5 hrs including input time off Cettie's list............$20/hr isn't bad these days.
All right, Three! Good for you. That's the way to skim the cream off the top.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
I realize that MSC's have a lot of overhead expenses... Pay the shopper, scheduler, editor, salespersons, company CEO, etc. Unfortunately, shoppers are at the bottom of the pyramid in terms of pay.
As long as there are shoppers to accept lower paying assignments, why should an MSC offer more? If they could offer a substantial bonus, why couldn't they have offered a higher rate to begin with? (I know, start low and go up from there).
I have been a shopper, off and on, for 35 years. I treat secret shopping more as a hobby...I can shop instores that I have never shopped. I have visited out of the way towns where I could I could be a tourist. (How many of us take that "Sunday" drive to the next town and visit?)
The math works with a little planning. If you have 1000 shops to perform in 30 days and you can get 20% of them done at a well below par fee, the next 20% done 'bonused' with still a below par fee, the next 40% done at a fair fee, that leaves you plenty to bonus the remaining shops at bonuses that have shoppers bragging. You still get all your shops done in your 30 days and you have lots of shoppers checking your board to see 'what they are up to today'. And as long as shoppers are sweating the 2 cent increase today may persuade some OTHER shopper to grab them, they may well grab them themselves before they advance beyond the 'fair fee' stage. Of course that plan of action requires keeping shoppers in the dark that they don't need to grab the shops while they are 'well below par fee'.

I have a much deeper respect for the companies that start with a fair fee and may or may not bonus (or need to bonus).
I will work for a low paying MSC much more often than I will work for one that takes forever to pay. I'm not going to touch a high paying job with reimbursement that I have to wait 3 months and pester the company to get paid. CRI is one of my favs as long as you wait for the fee to go up. Bottom line - if you think the pay is too low don't do the job, complaining about it anonomously on a forum isn't going to change the system.

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
"Bottom line - if you think the pay is too low don't do the job, complaining about it anonomously on a forum isn't going to change the system."

No one is talking about changing the system. This is a 'weed out' list. More we know about these companies then we don;t have to spend time searching jobs from them.

And hey, that will leave more jobs for you.
I have a bone to pick with TS...they paid a nice $30.00 for a Senior Health seminar in my town. Report was long and involved, and a couple emails to verify info. was needed. I just got paid $4.00 less than stated...when did this happen, as I have never in 6 years of shopping experienced it. I had no idea they do this, and quite p_____ off.

Live consciously....
Has anyone noticed that if you are adding to this list, you are your own worst enemy? Just don't take the shops. If somebody offers me 5 bucks to take them to work due to a disabled car, I would help them free of charge. Offer me 5 bucks to shop a $20 shop, no. It's just common sense. Let me say it slow....if they pay too little and you are not doing them a favor, don't do it.
2. MarketForce
3. TrendSource
6. satisfaction services
7. Intellishop
8. BestMark
9. HDE (they just don't pay for a long time)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2011 09:02PM by anakin.
About CORI, has anyone else noticed that since they were taken over by Steri-whatever, how poor the bonuses are? Am I imagining this?

I used to do pretty good waiting for the big bonuses-I've seen gas stations and fast foods go up to $50 or better. But not anymore..
I'd rather spend my time searching for jobs I want to do, rather than writing about what others call low paying jobs...what's the point. Intellishop and others have been fine to me through the years, why should I bash them, really think any good will come out of this?

Live consciously....
myshop - I don't think the bonuses are down. I think the shops are being picked up quicker.

It took a while for shoppers to train themselves on the new station procedure. During the first month, not many people in my area were doing them, or at least they weren't being picked up and I got some of them at $50.00. They started out at $6.00 and required more, so people ignored them. I jumped in and trained early and it really paid off for me during that first month.

I didn't get any ice cream shops at $50.00 but I got some good ones.

I'm pretty sure if these stations stayed on the Board longer they would go to $50.00. I have one scheduled at $40.00, and there's another one on the Board at $40.00 and this is only the 18th. I have seen a LOT of them over $20.00.

Being willing to drive long distances lets me put together some good routes with these out in the boonies. I did seven stations and an ice cream shop today, and drove over 250 miles. Two days ago I did nine stations and drove 103 miles. Yes, it paid off. Yes, it was worth it.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
The answer is "if you don't like the pay, do not do the shop." I rarely do shops for less than $15.00 and at that price they are going to be quick bank shops or a couple of quick retail shops. I don't work for peanuts. The most valuable commodity I have is my time so I try to invest it wisely.
AMEN...this is a smart shopper, I put myself right along side of wjones777.

wjones777 Wrote:
> The answer is "if you don't like the pay, do not
> do the shop." I rarely do shops for less than
> $15.00 and at that price they are going to be
> quick bank shops or a couple of quick retail
> shops. I don't work for peanuts. The most
> valuable commodity I have is my time so I try to
> invest it wisely.

Live consciously....
MsDavisnowell-good observation. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself because I like to wait for the bonus shops and build a nice long route to make it worth my while and it doesn't seem like I've been able to do this lately! Gonna try to be more patient!!
To all who post the peanut throwers, and those who can benefit from the information, good for us.

It is good when a sect of people can stick together. Mystery shopping companies have formed their fee mainly due to them all sticking together in some form to keep the fees very very low.

If one were to break away to pay reasonably better, and then two, and then three, then you'll have better paying gigs...and sugar there aint' nothign wrong with wanting better...never forget that...

to bloggers Irene LA and wjones777 and anyone who says we should not post companies & their peanut fees, we can "out them" just as you have gave us your opinion...oh
one more thing...
Not like we shoppers don't already know the low paying MSC's, talk about redundent. we all see them. Some have reimbursements for things you need or want. Everyone has a choice, do them or don't....all newbies get the low pay first, as you get experienced and become a desirable shopper, maintaining a good rating, the "invite" for the higher jobs come right into your the work, get the reward. Low paying shops are a way to learn, then move up.

Live consciously....
Fine Irene, don't post the names. Some of us like to know so that we can maximize our times by not even applying for those MSCs. You write as if you know 'it' all, but heck why does it bother you?

May be many of us don't want to 'establish' first and get the 'invites', we want to maximize our time by only looking at job boards that have meanihgful jobs,
Bothers me, why? I spend my time reading what is already known, not learning anything....and I wish you luck trying to find a
short cut", that seems to be what your know the low payers, why do I need to duplicate?

anakin Wrote:
> Fine Irene, don't post the names. Some of us like
> to know so that we can maximize our times by not
> even applying for those MSCs. You write as if you
> know 'it' all, but heck why does it bother you?
> May be many of us don't want to 'establish' first
> and get the 'invites', we want to maximize our
> time by only looking at job boards that have
> meanihgful jobs,

Live consciously....
The problem I have with listing companies that pay low fees is that it is subjective and depends on the view of the poster. I notice you removed NWLPC -which was posted by a disgruntled shopper ... and it may mean the fees are low and it may mean the shopper is just disgruntled. ????? I would prefer that we post amounts paid for shops because low to one may not be low to another shopper.
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