Has anyone done About Face's college admission shops? Any problems?

I'm thinking of doing one of these. You do have to pay an admission fee that AF is promising to reimburse in two weeks. I've worked for AF before and they have always paid. My first payment took awhile since they were having cash flow problems (this was about a year ago). Just wondered if anyone has recent experiences to relate. Thanks!

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I submitted a shop on 7/28 and received payment via PayPal 9/9. My application fee was actually reimbursed by the college when I cancelled my enrollment - they refunded it via check and that took approximately 2 weeks.

I did check with the scheduler and she assured me that if the college refused to refund my application fee they would pay me back for it, but as it turned out it was not necessary to pursue reimbursement.

I would do this shop again happily - it is lengthy but it pays fairly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2011 08:13PM by CourtneyH.
Many thanks, Courtney. That is the great thing about this forum. It gives shoppers otherwise isolated the opportunity to share information. I've had good luck with AF in the past and your comments were very reassuring.
I did the shop. I found it interesting. I don't think you'll have any problems.

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