Customer Impact

Has anyone done the noodle shop? It used to be an extremely lengthy report. Just checking to see if it is reasonable. Do you need a name of every single person you interact including buss boy? Thanks

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I work for them, but haven't seen the noodle shop...think I'll check now.

No noodles in CA.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2011 01:04AM by Irene_L.A..
It's still the same shop. I haven't needed names though for everyone. Just the server and descriptions of the others have been fine. I think a name for who answers the phone too.

I find if I just describe the experience in detail, I cover all the questions.

This depends on your area, how far you are willing to travel to do a job and how much you need for your 'living'. I am retired and my living expenses are fairly small. I am not trying to raise children, my vehicle is paid off, my mortgage is small and my cell phone is a fairly simple and relatively cheap plan. I retired early and before SS cut in, in most months I could cover household expenses without needing to grab every job I saw to try to make it work. The economy has changed and there are fewer shops and more shoppers in my area. Thank goodness this now needs only to be a supplement to SS. I am not willing to travel great distances to find work.

Typically those who are making a living at this do a lot more travelling than I do and are setting up routes that include a fair number of low paying jobs that are worthwhile as part of an overall route. It does not make economic sense to drive a 20 mile round trip for a $5 shop, but if it is only a 2 mile detour on a route it can be worthwhile.

Don't expect to make a lot of money doing this, but experience and organization can make it profitable.
I love working for them... great people to deal with. Good communciation but no noodle shops here. They do have 2 restaurant shops I do for them twice a year. Hmmmmmmm.
I can vouch that this is a good company, but have never done a noodle shop. Lots of Mattress evals, but no noodles. Perhaps I didn't ask for my complimentary cup of noodles while stretched out on the mattress! I really hate it when that happens! Anyway, A+++ company in my book.
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