Oscars 2025 Most Embarrassing Moments

The only positive thing I can say about the Oscars over the past few years is my cats enjoy the music. Nobody has seen any of the nominated movies, probably not wanting to risk losing $10. I can’t think of any good moments, but here are the worst:

5/. Kieran Culkin’s F bomb acceptance speech - that was not as special and amusing as he thought it was.
4/. Zoey Saldana’s breathless, crying but tearless, at times shouting acceptance speech in which at one point she screamed out ‘MOMMY!!!’
3/. Demi Moore’s lightning fast head turn towards the winner Mikey Madison when she got the fateful news that she lost. I guess the Academy thought she was in another trivial ‘popcorn movie.’
2/. Adrien Brody’s time stealing procession to the podium followed by a drawn out, boring acceptance speech. The topper was when he told the orchestra to stop the music because what he had to say was more important than the other winners to follow, stating ‘This isn’t my first time.’
1/. Jeff Goldblum’s egotistical, jealous wife, who glared at him when he tried to add a little personality to the red carpet papz photo shoot. Then when he tried to lead her away she stiffened her arm and hand, which was holding his, while she continued to mug for the cameras. It was followed by an ET interview where she expected to be addressed first and be equally included in the conversation. Her hair looked like a roll out of bed messy bun and she’s got a wonky face with avian features. What on earth he sees in this bird is beyond me. She’s another Brynn Hartman in the making.

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My Hulu somehow went wonky, so I missed the show, but caught the highlights on Yahoo and YouTube...thanks for the summary lol.
At some point I fell asleep and woke up to see Ariana Grande in a Halloween costume.
I figure Conan Obrien must have done a decent job as MC?
No self-congradulatory award shows for me.. Though the thought of getting to see Conan O'Brien again is tempting.
Conan didn’t have any good material. It seemed like there were a lot of restrictions on time and content. Hardly any political comments were made. Pretty boring but there was nothing else to watch. Mediocre like everything else on tv now.
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