Oscars? Movies? Wear?

Any thoughts about the winners and losers?
The fashion show?
I need to see Anora.
Some of the clothes - men and women, were stunning.
Left me wishing I could see some of those fabrics up close and feel them...
amazingly shiny.
Halle's mirrors? wow.

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Barefoot, my Siamese twin - I just added an Oscars thread, but thankfully I didn’t mention the fashion. I thought Ana de Armas had the nicest gown. Loved the simple black bodice and silver(?) woven halter top. Christian Soriano’s dress for Halle Berry was a hit, but the one for Whoopi was a miss. She has lost weight and didn’t need to be rolled up in drapery.
Ariana’s lampshade dress was ridiculous and the worst. For the men I like how Timothy Chalemet takes chances with his colorful suits. I prefer th3 tone on tone one’s like the yellow for the Oscars. The jacket had a feminine cut and the pants looked like jeans though. I would like to see him in Prada.
We must have been posting at the same time LOL.
What's your astrological sign? HAHAHAHA.
Yes, Timothy in Prada would be so nice.
@BarefootBliss wrote:

We must have been posting at the same time LOL.
What's your astrological sign? HAHAHAHA.
Yes, Timothy in Prada would be so nice.

Aquarius! Which explains all of my snarky remarks, but I’m entertained!
My best dressed award goes to Selena Gomez. Stunningly beautiful in classical elegance, that blush gown with the glass (beads?) was yummy on her.
To my eye, several attendees seemed to be going for the Morticia Adams look.
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