Ozempic face

I have never said out loud or in print anywhere that I am a Demi Moore fan. But she is only a few years younger than me, and she still looks damn good. I have watched a couple of her movies, but not because she was in them. They were either stories that I was interested in or someone I really like was also in them.

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Have any of you seen her recent movie "The Substance"? I haven't and I think that's why she's making the rounds - for that one.
I've never considered her a serious actor to be honest....she was, in my view, more of a candy actor.

I've never viewed her among the great actors of her time...in particular female actors like Viola Davis, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jessica Chastain and Kate Winslet, one of my favorites.
Datagirl - Excellent description. That's exactly what it's like for me. I'm also on Zepbound so the food noise has gone away. As soon as I miss a week it comes right back again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2025 01:55PM by jpgilham.
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