January Learnings

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LOL Okie, I don't care who knows about my family. in 1960 it was a terrible thing to be pregnant and unwed. I can't say that being in her parent's house was a good or a bad thing. There are several instances where my grandmother actively made sure there was a woman between us girls (4 of us grandkids) and the men, including my grandpa. And her father was a known pedofile, so I can only assume he victimized his 4 daughters also. I don't know what went on in their home, and I believe my mother is only acting the way she does from trauma she endured growing up. I'll never know. I'm still trying to unlock memories of my childhood that I've lost. I don't doubt for a minute that something happened, or there is something wrong with me (both autism and ADHD have been suggested as possibilities as they are hereditary and it comes from my father's family).
You all make me feel so young!

Morledzep, oh my. I found that those deep issues are good to get out and discuss even further.

When I read these things, I'm happy that my mom was 100% with me when I got older about everything that I needed to know. Whether it be about our own family or life in general.

Some past advice that she gave me that's relevant to me now though, is to be independent and self-sufficient. Find someone who's the same. Both have your own life and experiences. Pick someone you don't need, but want. So deep.
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