The word "Okie" and other words

Well, I should be more informed and aware of my own name, but I'm honestly ignorant to this. Is "Okie" considered a derogatory term for people of Oklahoma descent? Some time ago, I also used the word "migrant" and received a bad look from someone. Upon further research, I see that's a bad buzzword to use now. I've also used the word "panhandler."

In your opinion, are the words, "Okie", "migrant", and "panhandler" derogatory?!

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Okie, you worry too much.

If youvoffended someone shake it off. Life's too short.

I know I've upset people with posts. Sometimes rightly so. But I got past it.
Well, I don't want to continuously offend someone if it's something I can be made aware of and overlooking. It's not my intent.

I always thought migrant was the word to use when moving in between states, and immigrant is the word to use when moving countries. I thought panhandler was actually a proper term.
Can we please get over this politically correct crap? Seriously. I lived in Oklahoma. I have friends there now. I may sneak up there with The Doc whenever I get out to see her. People from Oklahoma call themselves Okies. Does everybody from there do that? No. I'm from Virginia. But I don't call myself a Virginian. It sounds too much like I'm saying I'm a virgin - and I'm not that. grinning smiley But people are free to use that term when talking about me.

And guess what? Other than activists, midgets call themselves midgets! It is not an offensive term to them. That is the case with nearly everything out there. I have a friend who is a dwarf. He knows he is only 3 feet tall. He knows his ears look like those of a newborn baby, though he is nearly 50 years old. He has lived with being 3 feet tall and little in every respect for 50 years. He does not want people calling him a "little person." He wants to be treated with respect, yes, but pretending like he does not have a disability isn't one of them. He embraces who he is. It makes him unique. He does not need or want people sugar-coating it. From what he told me, nobody in that community wants that except the morons who stir up crap. In fact, we will tease him and call him "Bridget The Midget." If you don't know who that is, look it up.

It's the same with the gay community, and those who immigrated here legally. By the way, I have several friends who came to the country legally, and met several when I went to a Trump rally in October. Every single one of them calls the people coming over the boarder "illegal aliens" because that is what they are.

People need to grow a pair and stop letting activists, politicians, and those in the media - whether legacy or social - tell you what you can and cannot say. People are sick of it and I sure as hell do not cater to people's feelings because one person's feelings do not represent an entire community of people who may feel differently. I do not give a crap what your pronoun is. If someone ever came to me and said, "My pronouns are XXX and XXX," I will respond, "My pronoun is GOODBYE!"

One more point - do you honestly think a homeless man on the street asking for money gives a rat's tail if you call him a panhandler? Seriously? If you honestly gave a dam* about him, you'd buy him lunch, give him money, and most important, clean him up and give him a job.

All these people here and elsewhere who complain about this crap are nothing but virtue signalers. They don't want to actually do anything to solve a problem. They do not want to get into the trenches. A crackhead needs to be called a crackhead because that is who they are at that moment. They don't have to stay that way, but they need that truth if they ever want to get out of the life.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2024 06:31AM by ServiceAward.
Alright, alright, aright! I will embrace my name. Even though I really have no affiliation with Oklahoma.

To be honest, I didn't mean anything political by it. I was just curious.

I guess I was annoyed by an earlier post by wrosie stating that I had no common sense. wrosie, you know what, you have the least amount common sense! There, I got it out. I got past it!
@Okie wrote:

Alright, alright, aright! I will embrace my name. Even though I really have no affiliation with Oklahoma.

To be honest, I didn't mean anything political by it. I was just curious.

I guess I was annoyed by an earlier post by wrosie stating that I had no common sense. wrosie, you know what, you have the least amount common sense! There, I got it out. I got past it!

You know I asked you if you were from Oklahoma and I knew you were not. I never gave it a second though that your name would be offensive to me or anybody else. And I forgot, my dad was born outside of Tulsa and was part Indian (I forget which tribe) as am I. I think I'm like 20%, so it isn't a lot. I would never think of being offended by being called Indian if someone knew I was. I have a friend from college who is of the Cherokee Tribe. He actually looks it. He does not care if you call him Indian, Native American, a white dude, or whatever.

I don't know about you not having common sense. You seem smart to me and that you have a good head on your shoulders. Treat people with respect, love and be kind. The truth lies not the label you have for someone, but what do you do when they are in trouble and need help? That's when the rubber meets the road and that is how you separate out the virtue signalers from the people who actually do care.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2024 07:05AM by ServiceAward.
My mother's family is from OK. I was never told that Okie was a durogatory word, Grandma and Grandpa told us that they are Okies and those of us born in CA are "Prune Pickers." I don't know what is supposedly an insult and what isn't. My grandparents were very racist, but not in a hateful way, I think. They lived around and worked with folks of all types, but if Grandpa ever said anything unkind or hateful about his coworkers, he didn't do it in front of us.
I never realized you were from Oklahoma! I’m not familiar with the area and it never crossed my mind. I’ve used the terms migrant and panhandler my entire life and work in higher ed. Neither term have been mentioned as derogatory around my colleagues as we encounter panhandlers around the college daily. We use the term migrant workers often as well.
Never meant to be offensive or insult anyone. Just didn't understand why someone living in a tax free state would declare they live in a state they have to pay income tax in.

And like I said, I've made post that upset people and apparently I hit a nerve with Service Award on this one but I really dont understand why.

Political, nowhere near that IMHO.
Okie, based on your name, I thought you were from Oklahoma. Whether it's a derogatory term or not, I don't know since I'm in New England. All I know about that term is a record my father used to play. Merle Haggard was proud to be an Okie from Muskogee.
Okie was used to refer to migrant farm workers, many of whom were from Oklahoma, during the Dust Bowl era. It was often used disparagingly because they were poor and outsiders. The Joads from the Grapes of Wrath were Okies. Over the years the term has lost its negative connotations,.Like Merle, most Oklahomans are proud to be Okies.
Some tongue in cheek humor. Please take it as such.

I lived in Dallas for 34 years.

Why doesn't Texas fall into the Gulf of Mexico?

Because Oklahoma sucks!

Lots of bad blood blood between Texas and Oklahoma. Especially on TX-OU weekend. What an extravaganza!
Every time I hear it, I can't help but think of the MH song my parents used to listen to....with glee.

We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee
We don't take our trips on LSD
We don't burn our draft cards down on Main Street
'Cause we like livin' right, and bein' free

People of all inclinations - so quick to take offense in our culture now - everywhere and anywhere...and it doesn't matter how it goes, they're mostly ALL wound tighter than a 25 hour clock.

Try being a New Yorker (I know many would never lol)
Everybody hates us but we kinda laugh at that. Keeps the riff raff away.
I’m from Oklahoma…. Everyone calls themselves an “Okie.” There’s also a song called “Okie from Muskogee” ….its pretty well known in Oklahoma.
Thanks all for the perspectives. I do feel better enlightened now about the word Okie. I'm taking this too seriously. I'll plan on visiting Oklahoma someday.

wrosie, it was a broad example. The specific scenario that doesn't make sense on the surface, there could be reasons why. But it serves no purpose to further go into. It was a poor and off-topic example on my part, and I shouldn't have further responded.
And I do love that song. Childhood memories waking up to it on AM radio. Wait, does AM even exist anymore?
@wrosie wrote:

And I do love that song. Childhood memories waking up to it on AM radio. Wait, does AM even exist anymore?

If you're in Boston and you need a traffic report, tune to 1030 on the AM dial, WBZ Radio.
@wrosie wrote:

Never meant to be offensive or insult anyone. Just didn't understand why someone living in a tax free state would declare they live in a state they have to pay income tax in.

And like I said, I've made post that upset people and apparently I hit a nerve with Service Award on this one but I really dont understand why.

Political, nowhere near that IMHO.

My rant wasn't at you - it was at Okie for worrying about that crap. I had your side. I thought I liked your post. I did go against you in the other thread. LOL But that was only because Okie did not explain the income tax stuff well. LOL It is all good. I hope the same is with you both.
Oh jeez dudes, I'm not a tax professional. If you're going to bring up those kinds of tax topics, I assume you understand the whole picture, instead of running with a perceived scenario.

Anyways, thank you. I'm much more aware of these terms and sentiments now!
@Okie, my cousin in California has consistently called others "Okie.". We all knew (my five siblings and I as well as his two siblings) that he meant it in a derogatory sense/manner. We ignored him! Never asked him to explain exactly what he meant. An Oakie to me means someone from Oklahoma.
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