Market Research Jobs?

I just finished a shop that was pure market research, no mystery shopping in the usual sense.
That made me think of the times I've heard people claim they can make extra cash from participating in focus groups - online or in person.
I remember trying those, but then discovering the pay was pitiful.
Have any of you done one or more where you felt the pay was worth the effort/time?
If so, would you be willing to share the details? I would think it's a little less turf competitive than shopping.

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they are far from regular and because they are high paying they are also very specific in the requirements: wilkens research service, sago, field goals/naomi are all ones that are i get emails from. however i have never had any success applying for them. there are a couple of national medical ones but they want you to live within driving distance of a major city and have time during the day.

shopping north west PA and south west ny

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2024 07:20PM by cooldude581.
I've done lots of these in the past but I live near P&G. The pay is phenomenal and when my kids were little I got tons of free diapers and wipes in exchange for evaluations. It's harder to find solely online ones, but if you qualify for them they are great.
I get emails from Sago too but haven't done anything with them in a very long time.
There used to be a place in the mall near me C&C Market Research, they are in other locations so you can see if they are in your area. There is another company named QuickTest who used to also be in a mall. Sometimes they would have movie trailers, taste tests, etc.
I have done two or three for the company that charged its name to Sago for 100,00 you have to do lots of the online ones to luck onto that will qualify
In my area, there's a number of companies that are QSR, snacks, and beverages. I believe they run some focus groups. There may be some near you.

Some who work in user experience/design and marketing in certain industries seek out customers who heavily use their product for feedback.
The majority of the ones I get contacted for are out of the blue from finance and tech companies. I have no idea where they get my info from. They are very lucrative. A few were never ending online surveys that I thought would never end. I have also done a lot in person and online for SAGO who were formerly known as Schlesinger. Years ago, there was a focus group company, name escapes me but they definitely had focus in their name. Their gamut ran from designer clothing, transportation, hair products, cosmetics; cash, no products. They either moved on or are no longer in business. Good luck! They are enjoyable and pay well but I am also weary if it's after a workday.
I live fairly close to a P&G too! (Iowa). How did you get involved in doing research or product testing for them? I'd be very interested.
craigslist was where i found a couple of store scanning jobs. they were weekly and paid by the hour

shopping north west PA and south west ny

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2025 12:22AM by cooldude581.
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