What would YOU need to be pardoned for?

You can keep this on point with Mystery Shopping...or not...

I'll start with:
I would like a pardon, ONE pardon, for not following a guideline to the letter. Say something silly, like not using a store reward card if not asked if you had a reward card kinda silly. Is this even enforceable?

As far as off topic, I need a pardon for telling the truth. Sorry (not sorry), I call em as I see them. if I were a judge, I'd be labeled the hanging judge.

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Mystery Shopping wise, I would like a pardon to get back on the Kroger shops! As more self-assignment guidelines/restrictions and resulting consequences were put into place, I lost track of the communications. Sometimes those at the MSC weren't definitively sure what was going with the system. Oh well.

Non Mystery Shopping wise, forgetting to claim some payments that were a sizable amount. Other pardons would be certain outbursts I had.

But all that being said, I'm better at getting over setbacks quicker now and working to be better balanced. I take away something positive from it and learn a lesson to better myself going forward. For the MSC with the Kroger shops, it deterred me from certain shops now and limit myself. In general, I still try to get better with deadlines. Also, I try not to get too worked up over certain things and try to better understand when needed.

This felt like therapy!
I've been pardoned for some MS slip ups, like taking a bite of the food before the picture.
Once I didn't get a name for a very minimal aisle interaction. I would have felt silly asking. But no payment for that. I would have liked that pardon.
Though I guess not being pardoned was a firm lesson for me. Ask for a name no matter how silly it feels!

Otherwise, there's been times I said something that was taken the wrong way. I'd like those pardons, or those moments back.
If I told you what I needed to be pardoned for, I'd be shunned off this forum.

I've gotten the best pardoning there is: Forgiveness of my sins, which are many, many, many, through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Specifically on mystery shopping, I've had Field Agent approve jobs that I would not have approved. My last car wash shop was approved and there is no way I would have approved it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2024 12:02AM by ServiceAward.
Ms wise: I'd like to be pardoned for the couple of times I drove to the wrong location over the years and did the job like I knew what I was doing.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
@purpleicee wrote:

Good topic, but pardon me for not divulging anything.
It's like pooping or taking a shower after a long period of time without one, you'll feel much better afterward!
If it were possible, and I'm sure it's not because some schedulers have lied about me when they didn't need to. I would ask for 2 things, to be re-activated by Intelli-shop, because the reason I was deactivated was not my fault. And to be allowed to do fried chicken shops. The MSC shows me as active, I updated my profile and jumped through all the hoops, sent emails to the owner, my rating shows 10 and I got a 10 on the last shop I did for them, and I have no citations, except for serfmerchants and two with no punitive value from Nikki, but Nikki blocked me somehow. I can't self-assign a shop and I can't apply for a shop, I've been blocked from every client, apparently individually.

If I had to choose between the two, I'd pick Intelli-shop.
Just curious if you've sent her a message and she has an explanation for it?

She seems to have a lot of power lol.
Bare, she does, it seems. But I think she works or worked for a lot of different companies and if you upset her at one MSC she damages you at all of the MSCs she schedules for. It seems strange to me that ICs would have that kind of power and control over how the MSCs do business. They aren't employed by the companies any more than we are. But her "style" is also why she no longer works for VERY many companies.
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