IPSOS - Polling Division

A couple of questions/thoughts.

First, does anyone know if IPSOS uses ICs to gather polling data?

Second, can IPSOS polls be trusted? I realize there is a lot of speculation regarding the polling industry as a whole, but I am talking about IPSOS. I know for a fact they have altered reports of mine to be more favorable to the client. It makes me highly suspect of any data they report from their polling operations.

You can throw it all away. When things break, things shatter. Keep it written on your face, the little details matter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2024 02:28AM by ServiceAward.

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Not sure about polling. But I apologize if this is off topic. Regarding altered reports, with another MSC, I don't think I had my reports altered after submitting. But anytime I submitted any negative feedback for one client, my arm was figuratively twisted in an exchange of emails to change my answer choices and resubmit. Some of these answers could have simply been verified through video, and was black and white, but I was still instructed to change my answers and resubmit. This was about five years ago.

Through other threads, I've read that the shops are now zero pay and don't require photos of the meal anymore. For some reason, I'm not surprised.
Most polls are suspect all the way up to the presidential campaign.Too many variables in the polling process from one survey to the next, all of which are after same or similiar data.

I wouldn't loose sleep over it.
One problem in polling (and research in general) is that absolutely everyone has some bias. There is no bias-free data. The double blind studies are probably the closest to pure. ?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
they are most recognizable and trusted polls in the country. I tried to sign with them but they rejected me immediately. More likely I am fell out of their category.

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
@Zek Did you read my post? I specifically stated I understood there were issues with the polling industry in general, but I was focusing on IPSOS because I have experience as a contractor for them on the mystery shopping side. I thought someone here may have some insight on how things work in their polling research division. I'm certainly not loosing sleep over it. This is a discussion forum and I'm here to discuss.

@Shop-et-al I agree to an extent. Does that extend to mystery shopping? Are well approaching shopping with some sort of bias? Maybe we had a bad personal experience in the past? Maybe we are angry at the MSC for screwing us over, so we return the favor? Bias isn't always intentional. A lot of bias is simply rooted in believing something, then looking for the results that confirm it. It is much easier to confirm our beliefs than to change them.

@gene - That's my point. SHOULD they be trusted. Most people who trust them, have no idea how they handle other aspects of their business. I certainly didn't until I viewed copies of finalized reports I had completed which represented things that simply were not true and did not represent my work - yet it was my report.

You can throw it all away. When things break, things shatter. Keep it written on your face, the little details matter.
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