Best Paying Side Gig You've Ever Done?

I've tested new health/beauty type products for what I consider good compensation. Have never had any reaction since I started several years ago and never expect to. But just searched and they (Eurofin CRL) are only located in Piscataway, NJ, Winston-Salem and Austin. BYW, Men included!

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i tried doing plasma. around here it is about $100 per donation but you dont paid unless you do it twice the first time. there are a lot of problems that can arise with it like bruising and infections. i couldnt handle it. i have a very hard time with needles. i found a very easy study on facebook to read a book and talk about for $125. that was the easiest and highest paying. there was a online forum regarding quaker lube oil that was really easy for $5 a month. i won two Ipads second generation from a online survey company that i would get a movie ticket for 3-4 10-20 min surveys. i regularly fill information out about paid drug studies but either dont live next to a major metropolitan area or i just dont qualify

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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