Nope, I'm not playing that game, mav. -lol- You pulled that the last time. People guessed, and you never answered, so...@maverick1 wrote:
Why did I choose my screen name? You tell me what you think the background is...
@drdoggie00 wrote:
Nope, I'm not playing that game, mav. -lol- You pulled that the last time. People guessed, and you never answered, so...@maverick1 wrote:
Why did I choose my screen name? You tell me what you think the background is...
Go back and read.@maverick1 wrote:
Excuse me?
Whaaaat. -laughing hard- I wasn't thinking anything, I swear!@ServiceAward wrote:
(keep your mind out of the gutter, @drdoggie00)
@ServiceAward wrote:
So, drdoggie, why the 00? Are those snoopy eyes? Did you graduate college then? Did you get married then? Are those 00 something really sinister?![]()
@drdoggie00 wrote:
Whaaaat. -laughing hard- I wasn't thinking anything, I swear!@ServiceAward wrote:
(keep your mind out of the gutter, @drdoggie00)
@ServiceAward wrote:
So, drdoggie, why the 00? Are those snoopy eyes? Did you graduate college then? Did you get married then? Are those 00 something really sinister?![]()
None of the above. -lol- 'drdoggie' used to be my username for everything, but it was only a matter of time until I came across a site that required numerals (or more than eight characters), so that's how drdoggie00 came to be.
It's a lot easier to type than 'gettingintouchwithmyinnerbeagle.'
@ServiceAward wrote:
Oh, come on, what's the real answer?!LOL
I did not realize this site required a certain number of characters. I guess I paid that no mind when I signed up. Speaking of which, I think I've almost been signed up here for a year. Yay for me!
@drdoggie00 wrote:
@ServiceAward wrote:
Oh, come on, what's the real answer?!LOL
I did not realize this site required a certain number of characters. I guess I paid that no mind when I signed up. Speaking of which, I think I've almost been signed up here for a year. Yay for me!
That is the real answer, Mr. Smartiebritches. -lol-
I don't know that there are character limitations here. I think by the time I signed up, I was just unilaterally using drdoggie00 for everything. If I could change it myself, I probably would.
We've only been putting up with you for a year? Seems much longer. -winks- Happy anniversary!
@drdoggie00 wrote:
I'm sure quite a few folks wish I'd return to lurker status.
Yes, but not active. I don't remember much about it at all.@ServiceAward wrote:
Were you ever on the other MS board that was around ten years ago?
@maverick1 wrote:
Why did I choose my screen name? You tell me what you think the background is...