This falls more into the grateful category, rather than decency.
Today I ran into an elderly gentleman (88) I know in a thrift store. I met him a couple of years ago when he bought an old microwave I had listed in the newspaper. It was the middle of summer, so I was giving out bags and bags of vegetables and tomatoes to whomever I could. I offered the gentleman some, and he gladly took them. He gave me his number and asked me to let him know if I had more later in the summer. We became casual friends since.
Last summer he came over several times to pick up vegetables from me. He was walking slowly due to an issue with his hip, and he told me he hesitated to have surgery for it due to his age. I had not talked with him since last October, so I called him a few weeks ago to check on him but reached his answering machine instead. I didn't hear back from him, and had actually done a search for his obituary because I was concerned he may have passed away.

So, after 2 yard sales and an estate sale this morning, it was a little too early for lunch. I decided to duck into a thrift store. That's where I ran into the gentleman. He looked great for 88! I hugged him, and he apologized he had not returned my call because he forgot. No worries, I told him. I was thankful to see him, and that he seemed to be doing well. I thought he was walking better, though he never had surgery, and he said his hip still hurts most days.