Happy Valentine's Day for all who observe

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Grumbles! lol I announced I am no longer available Easter, Halloween, Christmas or Valentine's. Hated those days when I was teaching and just want to avoid now,!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2024 10:27PM by prince.
That's so cool! Have fun with yourself.

@ServiceAward wrote:

Happy Valentine's Day. I am taking myself out for a single's Valentine's Day meal.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
I'm not buying anything but dinner...

...there is that single long stem red rose I placed above the passenger visor of my car when I went and picked up my ex-girlfriend. As she got into my car, I leaned over and gave her a kiss as I reached up for the rose and said, "here, this is for you." It must have worked...she's now my wife.

Happy Valentine's Day! smiling smiley
singles awareness day brought to you by taco bell

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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