I did a shop a while back with the following instructions for referring to myself in the narrative:
***Do not identify if you are a male or female. Use “he/she” or “his/her” – Example: The analyst entered the bar and he/she was immediately greeted by the bartender. The cashier asked for his/her drink order.***
They also wanted me to refer to myself as "The Analyst."
It was very annoying to write my narrative that way, but it was a decent fee and a large reimbursement amount, so I was very conscious of this as I wrote.
Then I turned around and wrote my narrative for a different (lower paying) shop and I did the same thing without realizing it! I received the following note from the editor. I could tell they were annoyed, but at least they paid me after they had to make corrections to my report.
***In the future, please refer to yourself as "I" or "me" as appropriate rather than as "the evaluator," "they," and "them" (unless a specific client has made a request for that type of third-person verbiage in your narrative comments). Your comments and answers had to be completely rewritten to be in the appropriate first-person narrative format.***
Oh well – he/she/the analyst/the evaluator lives and learns I guess.