@Mum wrote:
@Shop-et-al..You can do 3 hours, I guess. I do half days that are 3.5 hours. I always get 1 hour free somewhere in between as students go for gym, PE, music, or recess depending on the time of the day. Today, I worked a half day from 9 to 12:30. I was done at 11:30 since they went our for special classes. I even came home early since their teacher came back and said that I could leave. The office has no problem with me leaving early if the teacher is back.
@Madetoshop..I agree, students are a bit rowdy when they know a sub is there. I generally try to be nice but when things go, let's say beyond my comfort level, I have to be assertive and that usually works.
@prince wrote:
I don't remember ever misbehaving in middle school. My friends have different memories ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I rarely sub for middle school/highschool as I taught elementary. I'm not on the list for those schools. But most schools in this rural area are K to 12. So, those teachers do call me sometimes.
I like half days @Shop-et-al, but they aren't that common.
@Mum wrote:
@maverick1..On behalf of the secret sub society that we have...(wink, wink)..I now declare you not guilty!
Today, I actually did see a teacher cry because she had a hard day. And then, I remembered yesterday's post from @Madetoshop. I felt bad for her. She had a bilingual class where students took advantage of her not knowing the language. Oh my, I had one class like that yesterday and I used a Google Translator when I had to. Luckily, had no problems.
All in all, at the end of the day..I can walk off and say, I did my best and hand them to their regular teacher.
@wrosie wrote:
Apparently you're "woke" as you refer to a child as "its".
Sorry but to me it's he or she and no wonder we have a generation without a clue.
@cooldude581 wrote:
kids are bad all over and they were bad when my grandparents were teachers. its a part of the definition of "children" to be "immature". they are especially bad to substitute teachers because there is no rapport or familiarity. they lack the ability to quickly call home. its not for the faint of heart. in my area there is a reason the pay was more than doubled. however there is no other job that will pay me $214 a day for 175 days out of the year with just a bachelors in ministry so i will take it.
@Madetoshop wrote:
A time in my life I would rather forget but I taught MS Word and Excel classes to adults at night for 2 years, 2 nights/week. The money was excellent but adult students were the worst. I don't enjoy saying this about my own gender but the ladies were horrible. The few gentleman were a pleasure. Now I will have nightmares tonight, lol.