05/02: Teacher Appreciation Day!

I now think of this as a vast subject which includes licensed teachers and substitutes as well as all informal teachers.

We have some of each right here in the forum. Undoubtedly, some of us also have fond memories of others from our lives...

smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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I think Teacher Appreciation Day is the 9th. It is calculated by using the first full week in May. The week starts on a Sunday. Teacher Appreciation Day is the Tuesday of that first full week of this month.
Thank you. Both National Day and I needed this lesson today.


Hmm. According to the NEA, Teacher Appreciation Day is on the first Tuesday of May. It was moved there from March 7. Thanks to the teachers who nudged me to check ever more sources and resources.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2023 07:11PM by Shop-et-al.
My school is celebrating next week so at least the PTA go with the first Tuesday after the first Sunday in May. But then they usually fete us all week.
my full time job is a substitute teacher. it was pasta, cookies and a pitiful salad. not too concerned two years back they increased our pay from $90 a day to $214 a day. Still cant find subs. so cant really complain.

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This year, my daughter's school did a survey of the teachers and what they needed and what they don't want.

Things they did not want were mugs, cups, lotion or candles.

Things they did want were candy and more dry erase markers.

I gave candy, markers and a $10 amazon gift card.
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