Shopping Websites

Hey guys!
What shopping platforms do you use for the cheapest prices in the market? Is there any way you bargain the price to bring it down?

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Hello @Emma Smith
This is a forum where mystery shoppers discuss our work. We get paid to make observations and to submit reports at various businesses.
@Emma Smith wrote:

Hey guys!
What shopping platforms do you use for the cheapest prices in the market? Is there any way you bargain the price to bring it down?
I think they mean they want to know ways to get the best deals when purchasing stuff in general. They want to know which APPs or websites anyone uses to get the best prices. An off-topic question. Not mystery shopping. Actual shopping. I think. lol

Then you compare bottomline prices including any possible backend coupons or offers (AMEX offers, Citi Deals, etc.) or gift cards to reduce your out of pocket, etc.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
i peruse slickdeals for grocery deals on amazon and walmart etc. it aggregates and has a forum to share and comment on successes and failures. its very accurate with updates

if you are looking for grocery deals southernsavers (it is national even though its name isnt) matches coupons from various sites and has posts regarding combining cash back and other rebates for massive deals. there is another one weusecoupons? not sure its been a long time. often the best deals are the ones your can combine printed ones so its necessary to have access to various subscriptions like pennysaver or magazines

shopping north west PA and south west ny

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2023 06:34PM by cooldude581.
@cooldude581 wrote:

i peruse slickdeals for grocery deals on amazon and walmart etc. it aggregates and has a forum to share and comment on successes and failures. its very accurate with updates


Their forums is where I found out about mystery shopping about 10 years ago now.

They also post deals on pretty much everything, electronics, home items, car accessories, clothing and so forth.


Woot! an Amazon company also gives daily deals on clearance stuff. Then they have Woot Offs once in a while to clear out their warehouse.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2023 06:48PM by wrosie.
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