My first love is gorgeous versions of traditional holiday songs and the classical selections.
My absurdly silly self would remind everyone to listen to Thurl Arthur Ravenscroft singing to/about the Grinch at least once per season.

. And my tender side is touched by the Paul McCartney song that was just on the radio. Ahem. Did I do anything this year for the precious young or old people? Did I use this year in any form of service to anyone?
Hah! Feliz Navidad is playing now. I could listen to this forever, nonstop. !
Am I the only person who is enjoying 'Christmas Dragnet' for the first time this year?
Who remembers The Working Elf Blues? And be careful if you could ever, in any way, be construed as a leprechaun or elf. Celtic Christmas Elf Conscription Song tells the cautionary tale....
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2022 05:07AM by Shop-et-al.