prince, 11-18-22 is for you and...

...vichyssoise, princesses, and Mickey Mouse's birthday.

Technically, the substitute educator day is part of American education week. But I, an American, learn from your posts. So I celebrate you! Educators without borders, or something like that. smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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Thank you. In Alberta, Substitute teacher's week is in March. I usually get a gift card to Tim Horton's or Subway.
I spent 28 years as a teacher in the public school system, and let me say substitute teachers should be celebrated every day. Y'all are an invaluable part of the education system and I appreciate the job you do!
Thank you
28 years! I taught for 18, then decided to substitute. I enjoy it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2022 02:59AM by prince.
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