Calling all writers, wordsmiths, and/or lyrisists! Would it be good to make a wee change...

... in song lyrics? Might I be oversensitive? What do you think?

I think about some relaxed rules for church behavior, such as that one may stand, sit, or kneel according to ability, and wonder about some relaxed lyrics.

You can readily find lyrics for Let Us Break Bread Together and follow along with my remarks.

Yes, on knees is humbling. Yes, some people have no knees or no working knees for this outward show of humbling. Yes, it is possible that people with no knees or no working knees do not mind the traditional lyrics.

Let us break bread together on our knees might become let us break bread together as we are or as we can. Let us break bread together to. show love could be an option.

Falling on our knees with face to the rising sun might look like God sees, knows, understands yet loves lavishly.

Churches have already switched from wine to grape juice. Why keep the wine reference? Let us sip in remembrance of Thee, or some such, might not disrupt the syllables and melody.

These are just a few ideas from a non-lyricist.

Thanks to any of our writers who share their insights-- even if or especially if they differ from mine. smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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I might have answered my own questions.

Lyrics should be sung and known as is when studying or commemorating the historical context. Lyrics for today's context could be used to acknowledge that even though slavery has been abolished, some people who are severely bound by limitations can give thanks and otherwise participate in the protected acts of religion anyway.

Imho, the song is beautiful in the original and proposed update.

(On this day in 1789, New Jersey was the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.)

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Yes to that! There is also a fantastic arrangement that I heard on a classical music radio station. I have forgotten who arranged it and am looking for information. I want to hear it again and again and again!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
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