How did I miss this?!
We have shared pickle stories, might have craved them during pregnancy, may adore them/demand them on a braunschweiger sandwich, or be utterly in love with the Pickles comic strip characters. My parents often wondered if someone was spoofing them!
But teddy bears.... This is personal. You may laugh or throw cyber tomatoes.

My teddy bear said (I swear! ) that I am the most ridiculous human on the planet. Thus, being tasked with being my bear is the worst job in the entire history of forever. ! Nonetheless, he is the best because he always completes his work "greatly exceeding perfectly." The job description? Be cute and play and have fun every day. In addition to general fun, do the daily playliteration. Crush stuff, make the human happy, and discuss important fluffy topics with fluffy buddies. Only crush soft, fluffy, bear friendly stuff.
Anyone brave enough to share a teddy bear story?
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2022 07:23AM by Shop-et-al.