10/05: Kale, Pumpkin Seeds, and Random Poetry-- Oh, My!

Kale and pumpkin seeds in chopped salad are easy. Kale in soups? Again, easy. But who can wax poetic about these things?

There once was a salad from all around the world
With inflation and shipping costs, the maker nearly hurled
But they persevered
And to their taste buds endeared
yeah. see what i mean? grinning smiley

It is also Canada beer day. Would a brew loosen the word flow?

Hate all beer. But thought of this...
And to their taste buds endeared
Each tangy bite of kale, curled and furled.

yeah. i know. keep trying... grinning smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2022 10:07PM by Shop-et-al.

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And here I thought your October 5th post was going to be all about Gonculator Day.
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