As a landlord, I definitely sympathize with renters on the high costs of housing and the increases I have seen do SEEM predatory, in some cases. Because i know how many variable costs come with running a rental business, I can't say that is entirely the case. I have mortgages on my properties, because there is otherwise not a clear write-off, other than depreciation. Renters are doing the same thing I am doing -- using other people's money. I am using the bank's money to create an income for myself. The renter is using my money to make sure they have a safe place to live. My property costs have doubled over the last 10 years, but so has my equity. Unfortunately, I am not able to use that equity to pay bills, so I depend on the rents. Maintenance costs have easiliy tripled, insurance costs up by 25%, and the cost of materials is crazy, along with the waits to get things done. All of these things factored in, there are some clear INTANGIBLES that the renter doesn't see, but benefits from. I have home warranties, property management and termite protection. Long story short, I took a bit of a monthly loss one one unit for the last 2 years, because I had really good tenants. They decided to become homeowners and now with anew lessee, the rent went up by 30%, but my profit is the same as it was 4 years ago. Lots to consider, but it is definitely not always about the landlord just being greedy. It is a business, and if they didn't do it, I think there would be less available housing overall, which would be a different crisis, but still a crisis, nonetheless. Just my thoughts.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2022 10:31PM by sachseshopper.