Thrift Store

I stopped by Goodwill and picked up some random items after browsing the store. The cashier gave me the color of the week discount just because. Thank goodness I was not on a shop!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

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Yep, good thing it wasn't a shop. The last shop I did for a specific region (I can still do other regions, but not the one closest to me), I had several items and asked that they put them into a bag that was underneath the items on the counter. One I was planning on buying, not one I'd brought in with me. Anyway, I didn't get charged for the bag (probably just a couple dollars, but it's been so long ago, I don't remember) and didn't realize it until I got home and was preparing to upload the receipt. I mentioned in the report that I hadn't been charged for the bag and now I'm no longer allowed to shop any of the locations in that region. If I hadn't been banned from the shops, I would have gone back and paid for the bag. I still shop there occasionally, but I didn't go back for over two years. I still refuse to donate to any GW stores in that region because it was NOT my fault I didn't get charged for the bag. I do not know if the cashier was coached on this incident, if she was fired, or if the whole incident was just ignored, but I do know that I was punished for being honest in the report. The MSC is always offering bonuses to go to a couple of the farther away locations, so it's costing them (the MSC) more money to get another shopper and they're (GW) losing out on the value of all the items I would have donated. But, hey, they showed me...honestly does NOT always pay.
Hmm. On a non-shop, a cashier took one look at the CD collection which clearly had the store's price tag on it and announced, "You cannot have this!" Hubby had found a disc collection of one of the Beatles albums. It may or may not have had resale or other value (not a fan here). Hubby loves the Beatles' music and that is enough. Had it been re-shelved after a previous customer bought and forgot to take it with them? Thus, was it on some kind of watch list? Did the cashier want it? We will never know.... On another non-shop, a silk scarf was dramatically lifted from my pile of items at the register. I was told in a tone halfway between menace and sneer, "You can't have this!" Really? ????? Why the unprintable not?!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
i stopped by the local salvation army and picked up some nice shiny chrome wheels for $30. got an online place offering $100 and will pay shipping but im gonna try to sell on ebay where they are going for $200 each.

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Stopped by my local Goodwill thrift last Thursday while I had some time to kill before my appt to have tires rotated and balanced. So apparently on Thursdays, this particular Goodwill has a section of clothing with the plastic red "tags" (more like string) that go for $1.00. The clothes are in no particular size/style/type arrangement, so you just have to go through the racks and see if anything catches your eye. So I did find three clothing items for $1.00 each. Then I was looking at the electronics and saw a Sony DVD player (ours died several months ago) that was made in 2010, so not a real dinosaur or anything. It had a few scratches on the top surface. But when I plugged it in to test it, it all worked, and it had a price tag of $1.99. So I brought all these items to the register, and the DVD player was ONLY A BUCK!! The cashier said that because the tag on it was red, that ANYTHING with a red tag was only $1.00!! So I brought my items home, washed the clothing items, and cleaned off the DVD player real good, and hooked it up, and it works great!! I also "sync'd" it with my 2 universal remotes, so that's good! I'm going to have to check out that Goodwill place on Thursdays more often!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2022 03:59PM by guysmom.
Wow..makes me want to visit a GW store. I don't usually like the smell or the digging required, but I do love a hunt for a good find

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Let me vent about Goodwill. They have a no return no matter what policy.
I saw a grind & brew coffee maker, and asked how I would know if it still operated. Employee directed me to a bank of outlets. Plugged in machine & lights lit up. I gleefully brought machine home, cleaned it up, and added coffee to brew a few cups. About an hour later customer service of mfg determined for me that the lid to the grinder feature was missing and machine can not operate without this piece that will cost double what I paid for entire machine.

Anyhow mgr of Goodwill basically told me oh well boo hoo buyer beware get lost not their problem no refunds or exchanges.
Yes, that is one of the caveats of buying anything from any thrift store. One time my step-son bought me what he thought was a complete food processor....except that it was missing several components and I couldn't use it. So several months later, I just re-donated it back! OTOH, he also bought me a used crock pot over 10 years ago, which I still use to this day! So it can be hit or miss, and yes, it's all sales final there. As a matter of fact, the thought did cross my mind over the DVD player that I found....suppose I get it home and it doesn't really work? Well, I figured I was only out a buck, and in my case, it worked out great. Sorry your find didn't work out for you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2022 04:03PM by guysmom.
Interesting. Goodwill Industries, Inc. is a network of independent community organizations. The ones in my area have a 14-day return policy, as long as you keep the original receipt and don't remove the barb or price tag.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
The Goodwill retail stores in central Texas have a return policy, too. Although it's not as forgiving as traditional retail as KathyG stated. I have done retail mystery shops for GW. I assume they do so because they are trying to be perceived as an alternative to commercial stores. I think they have been successful.

I wanted to warn others though that twice over the years I have purchased what looked like nearly new tennis shoes in thrifts. Over time, the glue that seals the top of the shoe to the sole does break down whether they have been worn or not.
My fave items at thrift stores are books and audio visual materials. I am old/new school and can enjoy a variety of formats. I am not buying anything just now because I am still sorting stuff at home! Will there ever be a space for more of these things? My tastes have changed, and during the last few months I have been able to test my hypothesis regarding how my official retirement should be. I do not need the quantities of the stuff that I had on hand in order to be prepared to segue to retirement. Rather, my tastes have changed and I want none of many things and more of items that will most likely be available online and at selected brick and mortar locations. I no longer buy shoes and clothing at thrift stores. Frequently, I find prices by shopping online at retail stores that are as good as, or even a little better than, the prices at thrift stores. The retail situations always provide a means to return/refund; product specifications; and other information that usually is missing from garments in thrift stores. All these features add value.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Wow! What luck! I haven't seen any Goodwill shops near me. I'll have to be on the lookout for them!
I returned a jacket that had vomit on the front. I didn't realize it when I bought it.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Best find: three photos on canvas of NYC scenes. Before I had a cell phone. Went home & researched the artist who was actually known to young Google. Went back the next day. They were still there! Bought them for $5 each, sent photos to the gallery that displays the artist and they bought them for $200 each! Wait, it gets better! I shipped on a shipping shop! Man, that was a lucky time. I don’t know art from shinola but they just looked important.
WOW! Just effing wow!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
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