So they finished Season 3 of Crown Lake. I have seen this show for free on Youtube, Tubi, and Brat TV. Yes, it is about children and how they interact with peers and administrators at their private school. I always feel that I can understand more about private school (having been through public school all the way) and about today's students. Their school world is extremely different from my school world. Even if some of the plot lines might not be someone's specific reality, there is always a kernel of information that makes me think, be compassionate, or just plain ol' tune in next week to find out what happens next in the unfolding of the mysterious tale of the elusive Heather. The most recent episode was titled "The End is the Beginning." The beginning of what? Our pitiable lives without more of the show? Another season with the current cast? The transition to yet another generation of students and administrators? The actual explanation of Heather? If there is a Season 4, I will watch it. Inquiring minds want to know. Bwahaha!
YouTube has the Perry Mason full movies, which were produced after the television show ended. These movies were seen in the past on Hallmark (I think) and now they are on MeTV on Sunday nights. Cannon, Mannix, Ellery Queen. Burke's Law, Nero Wolfe, and others provide a few episodes of their shows. Long after I bought the complete set of Wycliffe, I found this show on beloved, affordable Acorn. Then, I found Wycliffe for free on Tubi. Go figure. The play lists change from time to time. Who knows what will pop up when I least expect it?
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)