Hmm. I was thinking of something like a mashup between fanciful, yearbook games, and anonymity.....
We could have silly or real categories. Silly might include 'Most Likely to Fall Asleep During a Gig' and I would easily win if I have not had my needed naps. Real might include 'Most Accomplished Gas Station Auditor' of this month, this year, this decade, this century, or whatever people think will be a competitive arena for them. You all know more about the likely categories and how much fun or serious competition you can handle.
Perhaps Jacob would permit a few awards options such as emoji trophies, a colorful thumbs up (or other fingers up) from DavePi, the jumping banana emoji, or some such thing.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2022 02:23PM by Shop-et-al.