We should have a mystery shopping award night or something.

What kind of awards would there be like shopper who does the longest route, or shopper who smiles even when they feel like getting up and walking out of a business. Shopper who can manage the most shops at one time.

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@breestjon wrote:

What kind of awards would there be like shopper who does the longest route, or shopper who smiles even when they feel like getting up and walking out of a business. Shopper who can manage the most shops at one time.

That's a really cool idea. Could you imagine the planning that would need to go into it? Maybe a recommendation to the MSPA - they do all kinds of neat things for the mystery shoppers, conventions as one example and I think they're even having one on a cruise ship this year. They could be the keepers of the categories and nominees and then facilitate the winners.
A shameless plug to say Market Force is running some shopper rewards for the month of April. If you aren't signed up with us or haven't done shops in a while, now could be a good time to be welcomed backsmiling smiley
I was kind of joking because it is award season, but the MSCs could reward their shoppers every once in awhile.
@breestjon wrote:

I was kind of joking because it is award season, but the MSCs could reward their shoppers every once in awhile.

I'm with you...we (MSC's) should show a little more appreciation!
MSPA stopped doing shopper rewards many, many years ago. Remember, MSPA is by and FOR the MSCs.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
No thanks. I would rather not have my competitors know anything about me and my success or lack thereof.
Really? Do you want to be publically identified as a mystery shopper? Do you think that will really make it easier to do mystery shops without being recognized?

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
Hmm. I was thinking of something like a mashup between fanciful, yearbook games, and anonymity.....

We could have silly or real categories. Silly might include 'Most Likely to Fall Asleep During a Gig' and I would easily win if I have not had my needed naps. Real might include 'Most Accomplished Gas Station Auditor' of this month, this year, this decade, this century, or whatever people think will be a competitive arena for them. You all know more about the likely categories and how much fun or serious competition you can handle.

Perhaps Jacob would permit a few awards options such as emoji trophies, a colorful thumbs up (or other fingers up) from DavePi, the jumping banana emoji, or some such thing.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2022 02:23PM by Shop-et-al.
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