In a pinch, Walmart/Sam's Club, Sam's Choice frozen rising crust supreme is a notch below DiGiorno's in my opinion. It's about half the price which to me makes it a "best buy".
I've also been able to down the various take and bake's listed above because the price/value/taste is acceptable. I don't know if I would rate any of them better than the Sam's Choice, just different, consistency, crust thickness, toppings etc.
I think a lot of how good the pizza you cook in your oven depends on how you cook it. On the rack, on a pan, on a pizza stone or something else. Every one will give a different result.
Alton Brown of Food Network fame suggests using an 18" terra cotta tile (washed of course) from the home center as a very cheap alternative to an expensive pizza stone.
But none match up to the local pizza storeS in Upstate New York, and I'm sure elsewhere.