Even God took a day off after six days of uninterrupted work. He did not give himself a two day weekend, or a five day work week. He did not negotiate with tptp (haha!) for a four day, full-time work week. No. He worked for six days and then rested for one day. Those who believe that God is female can insert their own pronouns. He defined Himself, and it is most respectful when we acknowledge that definition. But back to work.
So should we all have the same work schedule, with the same six days on and the same day off for rest, play, different vista, helping a neighbor, whatever? Could the entire world come to an agreement about the practicality of a day of rest, whether for religious purposes or just to ramp down the wear and tear that work causes to humans physically, mentally, and emotionally? Could we agree on which six days to work and which day to rest, even if we never could agree on any religious or faith element of life? What about holidays, vacations, and Holy Days?
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)