I ask this because I just found out that for a measly twelve credit hours beyond a bachelor's degree, I could get a certificate in survey research from a school in Orlando * and join the well-paid opinion gatherers. For about ten years, and spanning decades, I have been a minion who obtains opinions for people who earn substantially more than I do. This should not be. All that experience, combined with study of research/related in grad school and other work experiences involving education, training, insight, thought, and reporting should qualify me for something better. Why did I not see this before?!
But what about you? If you added up your experiences in shopping, etc., for what fabulous, or at least better paying work, would you be qualified? Inquiring minds want to know.
* Now, now. There is no reason to think that is just another Mickey Mouse operation. It is the University of Florida, Orlando.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2021 02:15PM by Shop-et-al.