We were invited to spend Thanksgiving Day with mil. Weather permitting, we will drive to mil and eat her menu of:
- fried chicken
- cole slaw
- mashed potatoes and gravy
- pie (I think she said some sort of cream pie. yum!)
- we offered to bring other items, but she said no- she can hit up KFC and handle everything. Go, mil! We will still offer to do the dishes and take out the garbage when we leave.
I do not know whether we can get there, and I do not know what time we will eat.
If we stay at home, we will make enough of a few foods to last a few days. I have planned to do massive amounts of work on my projects, and I do not want to cook on every day of a five-day weekend. ! !!!!!
- new-to-us stuffed chicken recipe
- ham
- baked sweet potatoes or yams without all the sweet add-ons
- Brussels sprouts with whatever we can get to make them colorful and zingy (supply chain shortages, you know
- homemade cranberry relish (if we can get cranberries)
- dunno about dessert. we should focus on other foods.
- repeat butternut squash soup, if I can get the recipe right today and repeat it then.
We had appetizers, chicken, ribs, lots of salads and veggies, and dessert. It was sooooo gooood!
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2021 04:51AM by Shop-et-al.