Silly and sad and sleuthy, all in one. For the first time, I am watching Miss Congeniality 2 (2008). (Sleuthy.) Early in the movie, "The Housewives" are in the bank and ready for a hold-up. (Sleuthy.) The blonde "housewife" looks like an image I saw of the beloved shopper who died on the job while in California (sad!!!!!) and who shared that they sometimes used scarves, glasses, and other disguise tricks of the trade. Silly of me to notice and say something. This movie is not highly rated at IMDB, but it is a good movie for regular gals who occasionally have moments of brilliance, if not elegance and grace. Go, Gracie Hart! (But please be careful and don't trip, pick a fight, or otherwise belie your name too much.)
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/2022 07:33PM by Shop-et-al.