
I like Monopoly and Big Farm the best. I also play solitaire, water pour (Fill the glasses) and my latest is killer sudoku.
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Train Station. And looking for Train station buddies.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I liked Candy Mahjongg better when the background color was mustard-y yellow, but I will play on the blue background. Word scramblers are good. Jumble always has a punny twist. I still love older games such as Hidden Object Buckingham Palace and similar. Any story lines are negligible, and sometimes the game scenery is gorgeous. I like many adaptations of classics. This reminds me that I left Holmes and Watson on day 3 in some ubiquitous manor or other. Perhaps they would like to play on, as the game's afoot...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I haven't played anything on the computer since my girls were young. I so miss those days! I challenge everyone to Boggle and Scrabble. Proud to say my baby girl is the new reigning Queen for the past few years. We like Pictionary too. DH says we naturally cheat due to our Mother/daughters relationships.
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