I am so thrilled I have finally found something that works in my shower I just have to let everyone know. I have a tile walk in shower that for years has accumulated ugly white crusty build up, especially in the far reaches under my tiled shower seat and in the grouted depressions between tiles. I have tried every recommended home treatment I can find and none of them worked. And the crust gets thicker and thicker. Some treatments say it will take the color out of my grout. Most of the commercial tile cleaners for baths say on the back that they will etch the finish on the tile. I stay away from those. I know this sounds like an advertisement!!! But it is not.
Yesterday I came across an article touting the many uses for cooking oil spray. It said if you use a light spray of canola cooking oil on that ugly mineral deposit in the shower it will dissolve it. Well, I tried it yesterday on a line of 4 terrible tiles that had the same look on the next over line of 4. After cleaning off the oil and giving it 24 hours to dry, my experimental line of tile looks great. I am ready to do my whole shower!
I know if I had a house cleaner coming every week who would spend a lot of time getting under the seat of the shower and wiping it all down with something that would work too. But for those of us not hiring someone try this.