Route Road Games

Do you route with anyone? if so have you ever played any games? MY husband and I crack jokes about the names of towns we pass through or rivers or Creeks we pass over. For example, we pass over this creek called Rooty Creek that some graffiti artist changed to Booty creek. So we use funny voices and say that's where you go to get booty down at Booty Creek. Or Potato Creek has potatoes. or never want to live in Meansville because everyone there is mean. it's silly but he does incredible impressions that have me rolling. He hates when I do my southern girl impression, telling a story about a hick town or something. He says it scares him. lol.

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Maaaah, maaaaah, suh! That sweet lil' F and L TeleComm scares a big ol' beauh of a maaaan laahk yuseff?

Or not.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Ummm, yea when I'm not an "antebellum" kind of girl and he is not white.IF I was that kind of girl we probably wouldn't even be together. But I'm not a racist. and NO ONE deserves to be shot for no reason, dragged behind a truck, or an elderly Asian beaten senseless just because your evil or an ass. And if you are a racist or a white supremest I'd prefer not to talk to you here or anywhere else. (And besides, it's not a real fear it's a "fake fear" part of the game. Duh. This was supposed to be a fun post. Not a post to make fun of people. I'm not scared to tell you who I am, I am real not a bot. I believe in speaking what's on my mind. I am not ashamed of my children and grandchildren I am very proud of them, whether they are red, yellow purple, or green, gay or straight I will always love them. (FYI none of them are gay but if they were I would still love them unconditionally.)
I 'ripped' our CD collections as well as a bunch of CDs from the public library and transferred the files to appropriate thumb drives I can play through the car stereo. When alone I generally am belting out Broadway musicals while with my sweetie it is generally old rock 'n roll we are treating as a sing along.
Maaah, maaaah. This ol' drawl is for eveyryone who lashks to stretch words into the next county. I learned to say it but not to spell it from a bona fide Southerner. I also learned Yiddish from a bona fide speaker, but even that could get me cancelled.

So.back to your regularly scheduled game now. :smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
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