What Are You Listening To (Music/Podcast/Audio-Book...) This Week/Month?

Seems fitting to create such a thread given the others.

eta: listening to a female version of Cory Asbury's "Reckless Love": [www.youtube.com]

Two amazing live versions of "Spirit Break Out":
[www.youtube.com] (Jeremy Riddle)
[www.youtube.com] (Kalley Heiligenthal)

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2021 04:43PM by shoptastic.

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No one has posted here, so I will .... I just listened to the village bell tower ring 10 times and am listening to my fan humming with windows open.
@heather shops wrote:

No one has posted here, so I will .... I just listened to the village bell tower ring 10 times and am listening to my fan humming with windows open.

They have long YouTube tracks of nature sounds that are quite relaxing. I don't know the names of them (as they are often amateur created), but I've put some on as background music before. Some are hours long and work for certain moods. Very relaxing.
Yes, I got some free audible books from Google play. Some have all nature type sounds like waves on the ocean and water running, rain etc. They are interesting..... I like to have my windows open and listen to the brook running out back....only this time of year with the spring thaw. I also hear robins, blue jays, chickadees and woodpeckers!! smiling smiley
I will eventually start listening to classical music again.
Classical and baroque music of all sorts on radio WETA, the commercial-free, all music station for the DMV. You can too, at weta.org.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Think hubby has finished with Brian Setzer (his latest phase/craze) for awhile. If so, I can have my faves again. I want The Messiah, Latin lessons, and general classical.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I found classical music on my smartphone and I listened to Mozart on Haldionmusic. None on radio stations around here.
I listened (woke at 2:21 a.m.) to Audible books free version of Drift off.. bedtime stories by Joanne D'Amico. Never went back to sleep. It was nice to listen to. I will try more audible books. I didn't think I would enjoy it.There are quite a few. Amazon has an audible plus free trial..I should try that. One thing I noticed if you use the free trial...there isn't much to choose from. Everything I wanted to listen to cost a lot of money.
For those that like nature sounds, My suggestion is to use the free app Insight Timer. It is a meditation app but also has lots of recordings of nature sounds and instrumental music as well as live events of music. I love it. There are other features too. Just play around with it.
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