In a perfect world, pristine and signed first editions will come to me unhindered, and at someone else's expense. In my world, I will do what I always do: search, wait, and try to contain myself when I find something in libraries or can afford a good copy of my own. btw, do you also like Sayers and Allingham? The 'queens regnant' is ringing in my ears day and night. One of my Allingham books has a brief biography and brings us to attention instantly with their proclamation of 'queens regnant' (Christie, Allingham, and Sayers). I do not disagree with this, but it makes me chuckle at myself. Aren't a few other authors nearly there, such as ladies, gents, writers, or at least genderless units of the literary persuasion (PC acceptable phrasing) well qualified for some crowning distinction in their times in history?
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)