@SoCalMama wrote:
I have seen the FIRE movement things, and they are interesting. I wonder if it has changed at all during the pandemic?
My co-worker found some guy (millennial) on tik toc today that was claiming that if you put $1200 a year into an IRA for 40 years, you'd have $1,000,000 when you retired. Thing is ... you can't count on 12% return, which is what this idiot claimed. So, yes, at 12%, you could have $1,000,000. At a more realistic 7%, I think it was $250,000. People will believe all kinds of crap on the internet without checking it out.
12% is a reach... more closer to 10%, but this also is a rate that INCLUDES reinvesting dividends too and before taxes.
In the end, the famous Trinity Study was relooked at and guidelines suggest a 5% or an even crazier 6% Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) is realistic (SWR = allowable pretax dollars after accounting for inflation, fees and reinvested dividends without hindering your asset’s value), but time will be against you as your portfolio needs as much time as possible to mature to fight against risk (volatility), otherwise, the traditional 4% SWR has still worked wonders.
I’m part of the FIRE movement and would like the option to retire (or even partially retire aka “Barista FIRE”) before 40, hence why I max out my 401k, IRA, contribute $1k per week in a taxable account and max out my ESPP for my employer, constantly driving to increase my real estate portfolio, etc.
P.S. TikTok financial influencers are a joke, mainly cause most of them likely didn’t start investing until the March 2020 crash, so to them, they’ve NEVER weathered through a nice, bloody bear run.
Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2021 02:59PM by Tarantado.