Please do not throw tomatoes. Yet. Recently, I was in a salon where all visible employees looked too young to work legally. Mind you, at age fifty I began to feel that everyone younger than me looked like children. There is one bias. As the appointment progressed, I observed and enjoyed camaraderie between employees, and one of them made a bold move in the middle of my appointment! They popped out long enough to make a big product sale. Since my appointment was not a money-maker, I thought this was fabulous! So regardless of how fun and punk their hair is, they are solid citizens who know their business. I was impressed! [now, you can throw tomatoes. i am well into the icky post covid shot 2 side effects, and the cool tomato juice would feel good.....] I did not find out anything re: political views. I just noticed that a fuddy duddy like me needs to remember that fun, colorful hair is just that. These people are made of good stuff! It was a starting point for me, as I challenged my views of youth, hair color, ability, etc.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2021 02:02AM by Shop-et-al.