Have You Lost "Friends" Due to Differing Political Views?

Yes I have and I am astounded. I am still the same person they have known for 20+ years. I am sad but wonder.

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I don't know if I'd call them "friends," but I've experienced a "coldness" from some people I know due to political differences.

Now that I think of it, I wonder if I've ever "cancelled" someone (as they say these days) over political differences? I hope I haven't!

I think it's cool when people can still get along in other areas of life outside of politics.
My Dad always said if you want to loose friends then discuss religion and politics with them.( He was born in 1907)
He had a rule that neither was to be discussed in his home. I never discuss either with friends or acquaintances, only with immediate family members.
I do not talk politics or religion with friends. However, all of my friends are religious and have faith. I do not discuss politics with my 2 friends that voted for the ex President. smiling smiley No point in arguing over the fact we are different.
I don't talk politics with friends that I know are opposite me in beliefs (or may be opposite). However, with Facebook you often see their posts and vice versa. I have noticed that relationships appear more strained in the last year, but with COVID, my interactions were few and far between. We'll see how it goes as we get out of the pandemic. I snooze people on Facebook if I don't want to see political posts.
No arguments or in depth discussions here. However, I got the message. So disappointing.
Quite a few people in my life have decided that it is okay to be openly racist. I don't need them in my life. I also don't need to stay acquainted with those who tried to convince others that the pandemic was a hoax or refused to wear masks. Our son has Down Syndrome and it at a high risk with respect to COVID. This shouldn't be political but it is. Anyone who can't put on a simple piece of cloth to help protect his life and those of others like him does not deserve my friendship.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2021 04:16AM by heartlandcanuck.
And yet... how did this nation's founders ever reach any agreements, considering how much discussion and how many diverse ideas they were forced to consider along the way?

If they could cobble together guidelines for a fledgling nation, we ought to be able to consider all ideas even if not all ideas can be implemented equally if at all.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Because back then people RESPECTED each other. They actually had feeling for their fellow man or woman.

@Shop-et-al wrote:

And yet... how did this nation's founders ever reach any agreements, considering how much discussion and how many diverse ideas they were forced to consider along the way?

If they could cobble together guidelines for a fledgling nation, we ought to be able to consider all ideas even if not all ideas can be implemented equally if at all.

@kimmiemae - I'm sure it was easier to come to agreements and negotiate when there wasn't social media and the ease of remaining anonymous. I'm guilty of and seen plenty of people say things on social media that they would never dream of saying to someone's face. It's enlightening to see so many people passionate about these things, but critical for everyone to do their own research, just like everything else in life - buying a car, opening a bank account, deciding which mystery shopping companies to shop for, etc. And then, yup, just as you noted, about learning and having respect for other people and their beliefssmiling smiley
@kimmiemae wrote:

Because back then people RESPECTED each other. They actually had feeling for their fellow man or woman.

Back then wasn’t any better.... And if anything, even more hateful than today.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
Please do not throw tomatoes. Yet. Recently, I was in a salon where all visible employees looked too young to work legally. Mind you, at age fifty I began to feel that everyone younger than me looked like children. There is one bias. As the appointment progressed, I observed and enjoyed camaraderie between employees, and one of them made a bold move in the middle of my appointment! They popped out long enough to make a big product sale. Since my appointment was not a money-maker, I thought this was fabulous! So regardless of how fun and punk their hair is, they are solid citizens who know their business. I was impressed! [now, you can throw tomatoes. i am well into the icky post covid shot 2 side effects, and the cool tomato juice would feel good.....] I did not find out anything re: political views. I just noticed that a fuddy duddy like me needs to remember that fun, colorful hair is just that. These people are made of good stuff! It was a starting point for me, as I challenged my views of youth, hair color, ability, etc.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2021 02:02AM by Shop-et-al.
I've been rejected more by relatives than by friends. My mom claims not to know me.
The loss of acquaintances really do not matter to me. It's the long term friends who cannot accept different political viewpoints or beliefs that differ from theirs. So many analogies come to mind but so be it.
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