@myst4au wrote:
You are correct. The freezing up problem was identified among others by the Feds in 2013 after a similar but smaller incident. Because it was the Feds, apparently Texas rejected the finding and proceeded to plod on as before. That decision caught up with them. Very sad.
Nah. It's fine.
Only a child froze to death and some weak immune-system'd people. They don't count. As the Texas mayor, Tim Boyd, said:
@ wrote:
Boyd said people who lack power and water should simply figure out a way to get power and water on their own, without turning to public departments and agencies that ostensibly exist to meet the public's needs. He offered nothing in way of constructive guidance to struggling families.
"If you are sitting at home in the cold because you have no power and are sitting there waiting for someone to come rescue you because your lazy is direct result of your raising," Boyd wrote, without regard for grammar. "Only the strong will survive and the weak will parish."
These weak people should have saved up more money, eaten more healthy food, worked out, bought a spare generator for their homes, and had better genes. What's important is that the energy companies saved a few thousand dollars from not insulating their pipes so their executive's wives could get their hair done and a few extra pedicures and their kids had an extra semester worth of private boarding school.
Reminds me of Puerto Rico and Trump donor corruption: [
The entire island was hit by multiple natural disasters in 2017 (including Hurricane Maria) and was without power. Instead of sending qualified professionals or FEMA, Trump sent Whitefish Energy Holdings, which had an entire staff of
TWO FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES to service their needs, as it was his way of repaying a political campaign donor (who owned the firm). Three months in, almost 50% lacked power still (the longest power black out in U.S. history).
Meanwhile, close to 3,000 people died, as Whitefish was price gouging and was incompetent and ill-equipped to restore power. But, hey, Puerto Ricans are' not "real Americans" (just a "territory" ) and what's important is Whitefish's owner's kids having their trust funds filled!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2021 04:17AM by shoptastic.