Malware and anti-virus for smartphone

Does anyone have malware and/or anti-virus for their smartphone? If so what kind and how much please?

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What operating system? iOS (Apple) or Android?

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
@heather shops wrote:


To be brief, even though malicious software DOES exist in Android, you’ll literally be fine without it... Just install from the Google Play Store only. There are times when a suspicious app makes it through to the store, but if common sense tells you to avoid it like very little to no downloads and zero reviews.

And of course, constantly checking permissions in your settings.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
I have Malwarbytes for malware checks, Avast Mobile for antivirus, and Kaspersky Internet Security for Andriod on my phone. All free for basic versions, which is what I use. Probably overkill, but they're free. I run them about once a month. Have never had an issues. I downloaded them from Google Playstore.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2021 02:54AM by guysmom.
I use Malwarebytes. Free. For some unsubstantiated reasons, I do not trust cell phone security. I refuse to use bank or financial apps on my phone. Asked
my daughters not to either.
There’s something called two-factor authentication..... Enabling this increases security dramatically.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
um never used more than one antivirus program they dont play nice with each other. clean master provides one free and helps out with speeding you phone up. but the best way to speed your phone up is to delete or deactivate bloatware which is applications that either your carrier or phone manufacturer has been paid to install on you phone. just google your phone model and bloat ware. if you have had your phone for some time the other way to take care of it is to do a factory reset. i had to do this a couple of months back because i have had my phone for a while and it was slow

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