Memories - what do you miss most from B.C. - Before C19.

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I miss lunches with shopper buddies.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I miss the ease of entry & access to gigs.

Now, it is necessary to complete a few extra gyrations before beginning work. For me, it is just too much. My back was tolerating just the basics of in, work, out and on to the next gig. This standing around waiting and/or performing extra tracking behaviors at every location is too much. I will finish my scheduled gigs and, if any are available in future, only perform the assignments that are back-respecting. Hmmph.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I miss sitting at the bookstore cafe and striking up a conversation with someone who is reading a book or magazine that is something I would be interested in reading. I miss spending 1/2 an hour at the funky thrift shop where I always find something unusual and budget-friendly for the house or garden. I REALLY miss having a few of my kids' friends come over and just hang out while they listen to music, barbeque or play volleyball in the yard. I miss sitting at the bus stop and chatting with the other parents. I miss having real recitals for my kids' dance and piano classes. I miss being able to see people smile.
I miss being able to sneeze in public without being treated like a leper.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I miss not having arrows in store aisles, and feeling like you have to step away from all humans lol.
International Travel, Casinos, Hot tubs, getting my nails done, hair cuts, attending Professional sports, attending college sports, in person dining, air travel, weekly maid service, attending mass, hanging out with friends, going out to lunch with my assistant at work, night clubs, speak-easys, whiskey distilleries, and working 9 hours straight every day with no mask that fogs up my safety glasses.
It's interesting how different areas have treated the virus. In Missouri (which has a hands-off governor that has refused to implement a state-wide mask requirement) churches opened back up in May. At the two parishes I have attended there are many social distancing regulations in place and I have never felt unsafe.
@SoCalMama wrote:

International Travel, Casinos, Hot tubs, getting my nails done, hair cuts, attending Professional sports, attending college sports, in person dining, air travel, weekly maid service, attending mass, hanging out with friends, going out to lunch with my assistant at work, night clubs, speak-easys, whiskey distilleries, and working 9 hours straight every day with no mask that fogs up my safety glasses.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
I belong to an Episcopal church. The Episcopal District said all services had to be online. They allowed the food bank at my church to continue, so I am happy about that.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Yes! Esp movies. And my church services, thankfully there is online service and talks. I am so thankful for the internet these days!
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