@sueac101 wrote:
My daughter in law is a mail carrier in Washington state. She just got done working 92 hours last week, Monday thru Saturday with no day off except Sunday.
With rare exceptions, the public's complaints about USPS rarely revolve around individual carrier performance. Sure, we had a sub for about 6 months who would not deliver packages--only slips to go pick up our packages from the PO because every package was 'too big' for our mailbox (even when they were small packages), our house displayed no house numbers (only 3 sets visible from the end of the driveway) and we were 'too far off the road to deliver to the house' (the postmaster drove out to our house and we were within the delivery distance from the road). Once our regular carrier returned from sick leave, our package delivery issues ended.
Rather the issues are cost and reliability of service. When I was a child, 50+ years ago, our Christmas card list was several hundred people and there were generally three deliveries per day to the house during the holidays bringing us several hundred cards between Thanksgiving and New Years. Price of postage was 3 cents and college age kids were temporary hires to help with the extra deliveries. At 55 cents for postage today, I send very few cards and have changed to paying my bills online to make sure my bills get paid in a timely manner.
It is amazing to me that USPS photographs every piece of mail coming to my house every day except flyers, packages and magazine format mail. Especially amazing since probably 90% of my mail is junk advertising. Maybe that is proof for their junk mail senders that USPS has fulfilled their contract, though my sense is that first class mail cost goes up to handle the permit junk mail cost.