health insurance rewards for testing etc.

I got a call from my case worker and she gave me the number to call so I can get rewarded for having tests. I called and gave the dates of the procedures and was told I would get $170 in Amazon gift card from Dec. 17 thru Dec. 31!! I had colonoscopy, mammogram, flu shot, medication review, wellness visit and activity assessment. WOW!!!smiling smiley

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Wowza is right! That is a bonanza for you!

No such windfall for me. I am waiting for a better time for a mammogram, knowing that all hands on deck might be better than a few on me while covid is still on the rampage. I got everything else done earlier in the year, though, in other offices. The mammograms here are done in the local hospital (ew!) and I will stay away as long as possible.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
With my Medicare Advantage Plan, once I have my Medicare Wellness visit next week, I will go online and report it and then I will get a $50 gift card. So that will be cool!
guysmom, what company do you have your Medicare Advantage Plan through? I've been trying to get my Mom to get one, and she can't see any reason even though I have given her several (glasses, hearing aids, dental and fitness centers are covered in part).

Perhaps getting $50 on a gift card would sway her.
I have Aetna Medicare Advantage plan. The member physicians list for this area includes many of the very top rated MDs in the region. All of my specialists and my primary care doc are on that "top" list. I am a very happy camper !

It saves me about $200-$300 per month compared with "Medigap" insurance. And, it includes prescription coverage. Most of my meds are generic and cost me either $0 (yes zero) per 90 days or $25 for 90 day supplies. After my annual physical I got a "thank you" gift box with all sorts of health aids, with cash value well above $50. Included were several bottles of hand sanitizer, masks, several new toothbrushes, toothpaste, two packs of Band aids (not just travel packs for any of the items, btw) dental floss, antiseptic salve and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
For us the only possible downside of an Advantage plan is that should we decide to change to supplements rather than Advantage we would be 'rated' to determine what our premium for supplements would be. (If you go onto supplements when you are age eligible you pay the same as your age peers regardless of your health every year. If you go into supplements later they look at your health to determine your premium.)

We are pleased with $0 copay for our primary care, $0 for most of our meds, $0 for routine tests and X-rays (CT Scans, MRIs etc have copays that are reasonable), free OTC by mail monthly benefit, vision/dental/hearing benefit, gym choice membership, low co-pays for specialists, a flat daily copay for hospitalization regardless of cause for the first week with no copay thereafter and a maximum out of pocket (MOOP) for the year for all medical except prescriptions of under $4000. My Part B Medicare cost covers the premium for my Advantage plan.

My sisters pay more for their supplements than my annual MOOP yet it does not make sense for them to change to an Advantage plan because their former employers cover about half of the cost of their supplements and provide them with more flexibility both in their home area and outside of it. They have generous PPO plans while Advantage plans are generally HMO plans. In my Advantage HMO I have found excellent doctors and idiots. PPO plans also have excellent doctors and idiots.

MOOP is the maximum I might pay in a year. In reality, my medical expense for 2020 thus far is a $30 copay to a dermatologist who took a skin cancer off my face. Three visits to my primary care doc during the year, mammogram, blood work, chest x-ray were all for $0 copays. My flu shot and prescriptions all came to $0. And, of course, the monthly amount Social Security pulls from my check for Part B, which is not included in the Advantage Plan MOOP.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2020 08:15PM by Flash.
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