
Is anyone out trying to skirt around where they are rioting? I got up this morning and the spousal unit says to stay home today because of the rioting in Tulsa OK. Of all places. I know that we have had the worst riot here a hundred years ago and they are finally finding the mass graves. Political riots instead of race riots at least here.

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My job is on red alert preparing for political riot situations. What are we turning in to?

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
All's quiet on the western front.


Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I had a shop postponed due to concerns over “civil unrest” but I think the client request came in pre-election. Trump’s legal options seem limited and unlikely to overturn enough votes to make a difference, especially if Biden maintains Arizona and Nevada, rendering the PA outcome meaningless. Republicans also got good news with their likely hold on the Senate. So I think the chances of widespread unrest are fairly low at this point. Occasional and deadly actions by the right-wing terrorists will probably continue - for instance the Jewish synagogue defaced with MAGA graffiti on Election Eve - but they seem to strike anywhere and are often lone wolves so I won’t be rearranging my life to avoid them.
Downtown’s boarded up, probably as a reaction to the vandalism that occurred during the summer. I don’t see any rioting out here regardless of the “decision.”

The scenery of downtown right now is reminiscent of a Purge movie with all the plywood all over the storefronts.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
No rioting here. I hope we don't see it elsewhere either, as virus cases are at 80 and 90K+ the past 10 days or so (breaking all previous records) and we're in a U.S. third wave with many local hospitals struggling with capacity.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2020 08:19AM by shoptastic.
All quiet in DC and surrounding areas.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
If the Unindicted Co-Consirator Individual -1 would just keep his mouth shut, that would help. Meanwhile, I guess I will just "stand back and stand by."
Texas is fine for now. Next week; who knows? I am just booking out west Texas for next week where towns are too small and too far away to riot. I only have to worry if Mexico decides to invade. smiling smiley smiling smiley I am more worried about everything getting shut down again so I am doing as much as I can while the work is here.
Dancing in the streets here in the DMV. Anyone remember when "riot" was used to describe something unbelievably funny or fun?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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